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Yoga Asana for Daily Life Series
Yoga postures for the morning
Youtube channel
The postures of Embodied Yoga Principles can be used to help with day to day life challenges, rather than being used athletically or esoterically. They can be practiced in regular clothing without the need for mats or equipment, so are practical in this regard.
These photos show some of the ways they can be employed to support the kinds of challenges we face daily, or qualities we may like or need to create. For more details see video links below some images of the postures. You can see a short introductory video to the Embodied Yoga Principles Youtube channel which has over 180 videos, including classes and sequences. You can subscribe to see updates.

Be decisive and directed today
Entering posture

Create time for you to listen to yourself
Privacy posture (variation)

Which obstacles do you need to move today?
Pushing posture

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