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Welcome to the Embodied Yoga Principles free resources page.
Here are some free goodies to give you a taste of Embodied Yoga Principles.
Galleries of images, e-books, videos
5 categories to help your personal practice or teaching practice.
1. Add psychological depth to Yoga
2. Moving Yoga off the mat
3. Free EYP classes
4. EYP for life's challenges
5. EYP for making money as a Yoga Teacher
Youtube channel 200+ videos
4 Simple steps to reconnecting with your body, in everyday situations
by Lucy Sabin
The Psychology of asana – getting yoga off the mat. By Mark Walsh
‘How to Fill a Workshop’
guide by EYP Teacher
Karin Van Maanenn.
Adding psychological depth to Yoga
What is Embodied Yoga Principles?
What your yoga mistakes reveal
Vitruvian Yoga
Moving yoga off the mat
Moving yoga off the mat
Yoga ethics
Yoga for activism
How to do yoga to improve your work
Free EYP Classes
Morning mini class
Evening mini class
Hatha Yoga class with EYP
EYP for lifes challenges
Yoga for confidence
EYP Yoga for anger management
Yoga for anxiety
Yoga for depression
Yoga for attractiveness
Yoga for addiction (coming soon)
Building your Yoga Tribe (marketing for people who hate marketing)
EYP for making money as a yoga teacher
Embodied Yoga Principles (EYP) can be used for your Yoga business. We know a lot of yoga teachers struggle to get by and would benefit from some of these methods so we are sharing them for free
Why marketing is love
Making money in yoga (income streams)
How to find your niche as a yoga teacher
Youtube channel for people interested in getting yoga off the mat and into their whole life.
Subscribe to get new videos and practical tools:
Podcast for people interested in Embodiment practices, awesome interviews with world leaders in the field , including practices and special offers on trainings.

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